- The UPS P-800 Package Car is the most recognized delivery truck in the world. Now this big brown beauty is available to collectors in this precision diecast replica. Complete with fully licensed UPS Worldwide graphics! Features Perfect for Model Railroad Layouts Officially Licensed UPS Diecast
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Great Product!
I have been ordering die-cast items from Fairfield Collectibles for several years and never had a problem where I was unsatisfied. If there was a problem with any item, Fairfield has taken it back and replaced it, or has refunded my money back. If you wan
Don't know who Darin is.
UPS vans are class 6 trucks... they're BIG. We only collect 1/24 scale; at that scale a UPS truck would be 9" long. I'm not disappointed; to fill a car carrier with those would cost a fortune. I've got six jeeps on order from China. Those 1/24 scale tiny
At 4 1/2" long it must be 1/43 scale or less
UPS vans are class 6 trucks... they're big. We only collect 1/24 scale; at that scale a UPS truck would be 9" long. I'm not disappointed; to fill a car carrier with them would cost a fortune. I've got six jeeps on order from China. Those 1/24 scale tiny W