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'Fifties Flashback CarTech (CB817) Softcover by CarTech Books

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Fifties Flashback - (9781931128179)


  • 264 pages
  • 376 photos
  • Softcover
  • Book dimensions are 8.5 x 11
Was the 50's your decade? Relive the memories the optimism the cars and the lifestyle of those early more innocent years. Or experience for the first time the custom-car craze the horsepower race when Detroit built terrific cars and America was the greatest country in the world!

Rediscover the nostalgic history of the way things were in the 1950's. The cars we drove clothes we wore the movies the drive-ins service stations car shows car clubs what we read drag races street racing rappin' pipes and more are all highlighted in this book. Hub caps squirrel knobs blue dots and flamers all get their time in the spotlight.