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How Do I Add a Coupon Code?

How to add a Coupon code

If you've received a coupon code, it's easy to apply it to your order!

On A Desktop Computer -Two Methods

A) Once you've added products to your cart, click on the shopping cart icon in the upper right of the screen and click "view cart".

image of the shopping cart


Once in your cart, you can find the "Add Coupon" link right above the Grand Total

image showing add coupon link

When you click "Add Coupon" a blank field will display where you can type your coupon code. Click "Apply" to apply your discount. 

image showing blank coupon field

B) You can also add your coupon code during checkout. On the right side of the checkout page is a "mini-cart" that shows your purchases. Above the Total is the "Coupon/Gift Certificate" link. 

image showing checkout coupon link

When you click "Coupon/Gift Certificatea blank field will display where you can type your coupon code. Click "Apply" to apply your discount. 

image showing checkout blank coupon field



On A Mobile Device (ie. Smart Phone or Tablet)

Once you've added products to your cart, click on the shopping cart icon in the upper left to view your cart. Once in your cart, you can find the "Add Coupon" link right above the Grand Total


image showing mobile add coupon link


When you click "Add Coupon" a blank field will display where you can type your coupon code. Click "Apply" to apply your discount. 


image showing mobile blank coupon field


That's it! Thanks for shopping at Fairfield Collectibles.